

When “I’m sorry” is not enough – what is the Attachment Injury Resolution Model (AIRM) in EFT?

In Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) we are convinced that simply saying "sorry" often isn't enough to heal deep emotional wounds or attachment injuries within a relationship. True healing and repair require more comprehensive and emotionally engaged efforts.  The Attachment Injuries…

What is an EFIT?

Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) is a groundbreaking therapeutic model that  facilitates emotional processing and the creation of secure relationships with self and others. Originating from Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFCT) for couples, EFIT adapts these principles for individual therapy, offering a…

What is a TANGO EFT?

Going through the EFT therapy is not simply an intellectual process. Instead it is a highly experiential process of getting in touch with feelings, communicating these feelings, and experiencing what changes inside of you when you do so.  Stages and…

A Love Letter to Pursuers❣️❣️❣️

After I wrote my “Love Letter to Withdrawers” someone asked me if I would consider writing one for Pursuers. YES! Oh man. This one is harder to write. Why? Because I’m a pursuer. I see you and I get you…

A Love Letter to Withdrawers❣️❣️❣️

Dear Withdrawer, When you are in my office - at the beginning and terrified to be there, assuming this is all about figuring out how to fix you - I want you to know, I know. I know it’s a…

What is an EFT infinity loop?

Do you ever feel like you are falling into the same vicious circle in your relationship? Are you and your significant other constantly arguing about the same issues? Do you want to find out what's not working and make changes…

Top 10 EFT Myths

*If you’re struggling in EFT, don’t go it alone❣️❣️❣️ 1. “EFT fixes everything.” WRONG. EFT is magical, but it’s not magic. If you feel stuck with a couple or individual, don’t automatically blame yourself or the model. Sometimes it’s timing, sometimes…

A joint fight against the dragon. Psychotherapy for couples with trauma experience.

It may seem that the desire for love, closeness and relationship is universal and that we, as human beings, strive for them naturally. However, for those of us who were growing up without the experience of a secure relationship, maybe…

“You don’t develop, you go back.” – Is it true? On development and self-esteem in children and adults.

We often hear that someone has low or high self-esteem. The guides for parents are full of tips on how to effectively ensure your child’s high self-esteem so that his or her life is full of success. However, a direct…

Psychotherapy 2.0 – online therapy. What does it mean for the patient and who is it best for?

Distant communication between the therapist and the client, contrary to belief, is not a new concept at all. Actually, it was already used by the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, intensively using letters to communicate with his patients. In turn,…
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